ArapaMAP is the primary online mapping application provided by Arapahoe County.  Over 100 county GIS layers are available to view and query in this full-featured online mapping application

   With ArapaMAP you will be able to view parcel information, aerial photos, street networks and more.  It is possible to measure distances on maps, locate addresses, redline, and print hardcopy maps.

   Address/Parcel info allows you to enter an address and quickly determine whether or not it is within Arapahoe County.  If it is, you will also be provided additional information on the address such as its jurisdiction, parcel ID, the districts it lies within as well as various political and taxation statuses.

   You may also search for a known Parcel ID within the county, and receive extended information on it as well.

   ArapaMAPLite is a smaller, simpler version of ArapaMAP. It operates much like Google Maps, with mouse-only navigation, and a fixed set of map layers.

   Open space mapping is a specialized application that allows you to learn about the new and improved parks, trails and open spaces in your neighborhood and across the County.

   Displays all land development cases under review in unincorporated Arapahoe County.

   Horizontal Control mapping is dedicated to the location and information of various surveyed benchmarks across Arapahoe County.  You will be able to view various Horizontal Control phases and drill down to individual benchmarks, obtaining precise location info on each.

   In every year since 2010 election results have been mapped on an individual precinct basis, and published as an interactive online map.  This maps will allow you to view the results of all races in an election year down to the individual precinct level.

   Future years' election results will be mapped and available here once they have been certified, typically three to four weeks after election day.

•  ArapaMAP

•  Address/Parcel Info

•  ArapaMAPLite

•  Planning Cases

•  Elections Results

•  Horizontal Control

   Arapahoe County provides online map services to assist with geographic and spatial queries. You may view maps of properties in Arapahoe County, verify addresses, view aerial images and retrieve information such as ownership, sales, taxes and more.

   Specialized services provide detailed information on election results, open space, horizontal control and more.  Some services are seasonal and may come and go from this site.

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